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your expert source for
LC & GC chromatography consummables Manufacturer & Distributor

20th anniversary

The Shaper Silica

The performance of the Shaper columns comes firstly from the quality of the silica used.

Spherical particles

The natural silica of the Shaper columns is composed of homogenously sized spherical particles.

Very low metal content

As shown in the table, the Shaper silica has a very low content in metal.
We have chosen to display our columns made from a 100A pore-sized silica, which is the ideal size for small molecules separation.

Our range also features other sizes of pores.
The specific surface of the Shaper silica is 310m2/g for 100A..

  • High number of theoretical plates per meter.
  • Controlled separation, fine peak tailings and optimised analysis duration..

The narrow distribution of particle size, combined with a specific surface and an optimal pore volume allows for robust particles with excellent retention characteristics.

grains de silice au microscope electronique

Shaper silica
Specific surface 310 m2/g
Pores volume 0.8 ml/g
Na in ppm lower than 10
Ca in ppm lower than 10
Mg in ppm lower than 10
Al in ppm lower than 10
Fe in ppm lower than 10


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