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Founded in 2005 by Tim Langlois and Dr. Joe DeStefano, Advanced Materials Technology is the first company to manufacture and market surface porous particles smaller than 3µm - Fused-Core®.
(ISO 9001 QMS certified company)
What are the advantages of Fused-Core® silica over other fully porous materials?
To understand the advantages of HALO® Fused-Core® silica, consider the Van Deemter equation, which estimates the height of a theoretical plateau (H)

with respect to Eddy diffusion (A), longitudinal diffusion (B), mass transfer resistance (C) and finally the linear velocity of the mobile phase (µ).
- Term A - Eddy diffusion - relates to the particle size and packing quality of the column.
HALO® Fused-Core® silica reduces the A term by 30 to 40% compared to fully porous silica.
- The B term relating to longitudinal diffusion is reduced by 25 to 30% for HALO® Fused-Core® silica.
As a result, the value of H decreases, significantly improving column performance.

The performance gains are substantial in terms of column efficiency and operating pressure, as shown in the example below:
50% reduction in back pressure: 2.8X more efficient, finer peaks,
faster analysis a faster analysis. 
Last but not least, because silica particles are heavier, they are easier to fill homogeneously in the columns. This improves packing compactness.
Finally, the Fused-Core® design has made it possible to create high-performance columns that produce analyses with shorter run times and no back-pressure-related consequences.
They therefore represent an excellent solution for all users, whatever their instrument: HPLC, UHPLC, LC/MS.
HALO® silicas are available in a range of configurations to meet the needs of analytical and QA/QC departments.